Sin City NFT Makes Serious Bank

cosplaying Joker from Batman Sin CityFrank Miller, the writer-artist of The Dark Knight Returns, sold an NFT from his comic Sin City for a whopping $840,000. The one-of-a-kind piece, “I Love You, Nancy Callahan,” is an animated set of comic book panels.  They feature sounds and illustrate the death of Detective John Hartigan.

“I Love You, Nancy Callahan” NFT

Of the sale, Miller beamed:

“I am so honored to see the fans of mine, of Marv, of Sin City participating in this new world.”

Frank Miller’s Sin City NFT now holds the distinction of being his most expensive piece ever sold. However, this is not the first time a work from Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns broke auction records. In 2011 a splash page from The Dark Knight Returns sold for $448,000, which, at the time, was the priciest piece of American comic art to ever sell at auction. Though currently not for sale, Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns lightning bolt cover is thought to be the artist’s most valuable work. Experts believe it to be worth between $1.3m and $1.6m.

Miller partnered with Gala Labs and Concept Art House on the NFT process. Penni Johnson, Concept Art House’s business development director, added:

“It’s inspiring to see how he adapted so quickly to this new digital space and…worked with the team to bring his vision to NFTs.”

James Olden, chief strategy officer for Gala Labs, said his company was “delighted to provide a trusted and fortified platform for partners interested in pushing technology and pop culture to the creative horizon.”

Miller’s record sale comes seven months after $1.85 million worth of NFT art featuring Wonder Woman was sold by former DC artist José Delbo. The move elicited warnings from both DC and Marvel who cautioned artists against selling NFTs that feature their intellectual property.

Consult With an NFT Lawyer

The Kelly Law Firm helps businesses and individuals with the legal side of NFT creation, sales, and auctions. If you’re ready to start the process or have questions, get in touch using the form below. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.